Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's been far too long...

I admit it, it has been way too long since my last post. I could give all kind of reasons for why I haven't posted a fresh blog in over a month, but alas it just hasn't been a priority of mine. I could even go on to say that I resolve to be better in the future, but I doubt that will be the case with my current slate of things to do.

In the last month I have made two trips to the East Coast. One for a retreat to Atlanta and a nice visit with a friend there. The other to New York for a wedding where we got to see lots of family, enjoy great food, and relax a tiny bit. In the last month I have also celebrated with friends, studied hard, written papers, taught Confirmation class, ate a lot of food, drank some drinks, washed clothes, led worship, and a bunch of other stuff I probably can't even think of but certainly will as soon as I click "post".
It is interesting how time seems to fly by at some points of the year. I was doing so well at posting thoughts and ideas for a while, but lately it just hasn't been on my mind. Maybe it's a good thing since I've had plenty of "important" things to do. Maybe I should be using this outlet for my thoughts and relaxation. I don't really know, but I know that it feels good to type some thoughts right now.
I wish I had more to say, something that matters, something that is deep and ponderous, but alas all I can say is, "it's been far too long since I last posted anything."
Now, it's time to watch Top Chef reunion (hey, we all have our vices).

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