Monday, May 7, 2007

Out of touch again ... and it won't be getting better

Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings. It's hard to believe that anyone would stop their life, even momentarily to read the few thoughts that spill from my head. I guess it could be that it's because I'm bad at personally keeping up with people lately.

Yes, I've been out of touch with the world for the last week. I discovered today that my NY Rangers are now out of the playoffs (now I don't have any team to particularly cheer for) so I'll be watching for good games for the rest of the playoffs. Of course, I won't get to enjoy as much of them as I would like as I find myself on the brink of finals and needing to finish up a few papers and projects before the end of the term (which is coming scarily fast). But I will be taking tonight off to rest and watch the Sharks game on Versus (my new fav tv channel)

In the last week, I again spent a chunk of time with a good group of teens at the Kids Take The Stage production of Guys and Dolls. It was a good week marked with some fun times, long hours, and a paycheck at the end!

In other news, I discovered that you do have to be a little careful about promoting yourself. Here's the story: as I send out emails, I include my blog address in the signature. You wouldn't think this to be a big deal, but the other night I sent an email to my Greek professor announcing that I wouldn't be in class. Well, being the kind of guy who is intrigued by blogs (apparently) he checked mine out ... normally this would not concern me, but I realized that the post that he would have read first (assuming he read the default post) had an off-hand comment about my secret desire that when I wake up some mornings I hope for Greek to be canceled. UGH!

Well, to clear the air, it's not the professor, it's the subject matter. I'm just not the kind of guy that does well understanding foreign languages. And frankly, I have learned quite a bit about Greek and how to use many tools that are available in order to best translate the language into English. So, mission accomplished Professor Pence!

A final note from Berkeley, It's FREAKIN' HOT here! No, not by "Australia-desert-130-in-the-shade" standards nor by Phoenix standards, but by "Berkeley is usually a place that cools off nicely at night for a good restful sleep" standards. Yesterday the mercury touched around 80 and inside this little apartment it must have been over 90 with the windows open and a fan blowing. Today, mercury is cruising up again and the interior is toasty one more time. Oddly it is coolest in the kitchen ... until I try to make dinner ... anyone for take-out?

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