Sunday, January 21, 2007


It's funny how perspective changes the way you look at things. Ten people can look at the same happening and none of them will look at it the same way. Take for example the weather. I'm hanging out in Denver currently where it snowed a light and fluffy beauty all day today. This on top of several feet of snow that has dropped down weekly over the past 5 weeks.

I look out the window and marvel at the beauty, how the snow lands peacefully on the tree branches, how it covers the dirty road, and how the animals quietly scamper across it outdoors. I enjoy the snow, I love the snow, I miss the snow (living in Tennessee the last 3 winters I didn't see much snow and it certainly didn't amount to much when it did come).

Compare to my view, the 10-year-old who lives in the house I am staying in. Her perspective is that it is cold out, but the snow would be great for sledding. She couldn't fathom why no one wanted to take her out sledding (I would have gone, but alas my winter-wear is in Minnesota, and I know better than to venture out in the snow without being properly dressed, plus football was on).

Compare that view to that of my hosts ... Jon was undecided about the snow, while he thought it was nice in appearance (especially from inside) he wasn't too excited to go out and shovel the driveway or sweep the deck. Lori on the other hand came in with a simple statement, "It's yucky outside".

Yes our perspective is tempered by many things and each of us looks at the world very differently. As I reflect on my last two weeks here in Denver studying at the Adaptive Leadership Academy I keep thinking about how it has molded my perspective for looking at the world, I will not see the church the same anymore and I think that's a good thing. I could say a lot about what I have learned but the biggest thing is this: What is, is. It's not good or bad, it just is. We have to accept realty and move forward, there is no sense in pointing fingers.

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