Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Allow me to first say that I've been meaning to update this blog much more often than I have, but alas life seems to have put this on the low end of my priority list. I'm hoping to remedy that by making this blog a part of my work when I get a job in a church - hopefully soon. I could explain all the things that have gone on in the last months that have kept me from blogging, but I'm pretty sure no one wants to read that - if you do, let me know - I'll put it on my to-do list.

I was spurred to write today by a response that I got to an earlier post. Responses are cool because they remind me that people do actually read my thoughts and once in a while some of those people even like or are challenged by what I have to say.

As I was considering the subtitle of my blog, I thought about the word TRAINING. Originally it made it into the subtitle because I was attending seminary and it seemed presumptuous to consider myself something other than in training. Now that I've graduated the reality that I will always be in training is much more realistic to me. I realize that I will never know all that I want to know about any given subject and that I will always want to learn more about something. So I decided that rather than adjusting the subtitle, I will keep it as both a reminder to who I am and a challenge to who I want to be.

I assure you (and my friends will attest) that most of my training in the future will not be happening in a classroom, it will be happening in "the world." It's not that I don't value education, it's just that I'm tired of it - I want to learn by having conversations with people. I want to learn by experiencing the world around me. I want to learn by (and this is hard at times) making mistakes and then picking up the pieces and moving forward.

So, here's to being in training - hopefully forever. (and maybe to updating my blog more than once in the next six months).

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